Infernape has an orange, rounded muzzle, long, round ears with blue inside, and a red ridge over its eyes. On top of its head is a large flame, which is never extinguished.

Several gold markings adorn its body: swirled, circular ones on its knees and shoulders flame-shaped ones on the back of its hands, and a stripe around its back that forms two swirls on its chest. Infernape is a bipedal, primate-like Pokémon that is primarily reddish-brown with sections of white fur on its chest, head, and lower legs.

RELATED: Pokémon: 10 Pokémon Whose Abilities Make No Sense Every time a new critter shows up, the Shiny rate increases up to 1 in 1024. If the player keeps their weakened Pokémon alive, uses an Adrenaline Orb to increase the call rate, and knocks out all of the Pokémon that show up to help, it's possible to get Shiny Pokémon incredibly quickly in Pokémon Sun and Moon. This could call in another wild Pokémon to make the battle a 2-on-1 fight. If a wild Pokémon was weakened in battle, it had a chance of calling for help at the end of the turn. A new mechanic introduced in the seventh generation, SOS calling was a cool new way to up immersion as well as a great way to Shiny hunt.