
Call of duty chernov
Call of duty chernov

The three agents are revealed to be the most decorated agents in the FSB. The collision knocks the helicopter and car onto a nearby rooftop, where the agents capture the heavily wounded gangster. The agents hope in, and Petrenko drives the car off the garage into the gangster's helicopter. While Petrenko and Reznov lay down covering fire, Chernov hotwires a Ferrari at the garage. The lead gangster decided not to flee, but instead shoot at the agents using the helicopter's minigun. More thugs arrive on helicopters, and the three agents fight for their very lives. The three eventually arrive at the top level, where they see the gangster being picked up by a helicopter. The three agents give chase, but more thugs give a fierce resistance. The lead gangster is fleeing to the top of the garage.

call of duty chernov

Reznov and Petrenko zipline into the garage and clear the floor of the thugs. As a standoff ensues, Reznov and Petrenko open fire, and Chernov knocks out of one of the gangsters while the other flees. The FSB hope to arrest the gangsters, but complications arise when they realize the gangsters aren't selling any common drugs and both gangsters attempt to ambush the other. Chernov being their inside man as a double agent. Chernov and their efforts to arrest a suspected international terrorist at the largest house party in recorded history.įSB Commissioner Reznov and agent Petrenko sit atop a building, overlooking a drug deal between two Russian gangsters inside a parking garage, with Lt.

call of duty chernov

The campaign centers around FSB Commissioner Reznov, Captain Petrenko, and Lt.

Call of duty chernov